children with a teddy


At Lyndhurst we pride ourselves on providing an education that is rich in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical, and aesthetic and creative experiences.  To consolidate the learnings the children, have as part of their curriculum, we offer a wide range of enrichment activities.  These activities support the curriculum to promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that pupils enjoy coming to school and acquire a solid base for lifelong learning. 

Art & DT

Art & DT

The Art and Design Technology Department at Lyndhurst School is a bright, cheery and creative space. Where the children can use a range of materials and media to produce amazing results!

Pupils of all year groups have weekly art lessons and undertake a variety of projects from making glove puppets to creating mosaics and pottery.

Pupils are exposed to a rich and diverse selection of significant artists, allowing them to explore different techniques and grow in confidence to become their own artist.

Our Design and Technology curriculum encourages and enables pupils to become critical thinkers. They learn to take risks through their designing and making of products and are able to evaluate and improve their own work.

Computing & IT

Computing & IT

At Lyndhurst School, we recognise that technology plays an important part in modern life and will only become more vital as our children grow up. We understand that all children’s access to technology outside of school is varied and therefore aim to equip every child with the skills to confidently use all forms of technology, developing a solid understanding of how computers work.

We aim to develop children’s perception of technology as a tool for learning, innovation and discovery. We take E-Safety very seriously as it forms an integral part of the curriculum. From Pre-Reception all children are taught safety strategies through songs and stories. As the children progress, they enhance their understanding through interactive programs, workshops and whole school events on how to protect their personal information and keep themselves safe online. Programming and coding also form part of our curriculum, exploring the different types of programming languages through a range of activities and topics.



At Lyndhurst, we are lucky enough to have a former international news journalist on our staff. Miss Joyce, our Year 3 Form Teacher, runs our award-winning Year 5 and 6 Media Club, where the children create multimedia content, including our eagerly awaited annual school Newspaper, ‘Lyndhurst World’!

We were incredibly proud of this year’s Year 5 news team. Their ‘Climate Crew’ podcast, which you can listen to here/below was the winner of the Learn2Think Foundation’s ‘Young Journalist of the Year 2021’ competition, an international prize, with the judges saying they were “blown away by the teamwork, professionalism, interviewing skills and passion on display.”

Everyone has a story, but not every story is told or known. In our media club, the children seek out our school’s stories, coming up with ideas and interviewing students and staff alike.

Media Club gives children the inside track on all things News and allows them to develop an understanding of communication at a young age.  By learning about media studies and journalism, children become more engaged with global issues while improving their critical thinking, teamwork, interviewing and writing skills.

Most importantly, through Media Club, the children feel they have the power to enact change, giving them the confidence to share their ideas and have their voices heard.



Our aim is for children to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in English which enable them to express their ideas fluently, confidently and imaginatively both verbally and in writing. 

Early reading skills and phonics are a priority at our school and time and effort is put into ensuring our children can read easily, fluently and with good understanding.

Every child at Lyndhurst School follows the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme which helps to give them a flying start in learning to read and write.  Read Write Inc. teaches children the sounds in English, the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters when writing.  Read Write Inc. Phonics includes reading books written using only the letters they have learnt at each level (and a small number of tricky words that are separately taught). It helps the children to quickly feel confident and successful.

Each term, every year group focuses on a theme which is linked to pupils’ reading and providing immersive, purposeful and real-life opportunities for children to write. We inspire and enable children far beyond the boundaries of their English lessons, to become creative thinkers, speakers and writers right across the curriculum. 

Celebrated poets, authors and theatre companies regularly come into school to run workshops with pupils and bring texts to life.

Each term we launch English whole-school competitions focused on: public speaking (poetry recitals), creative writing (fiction and non-fiction), spelling race and reading challenge. We also encourage our pupils to enter national and ISA English competitions.

Our pupils acquire the vital English knowledge and skills required for the next stage of their learning journey and on into adulthood.



At Lyndhurst, Humanities plays an important role in the curriculum, it is broken into History and Geography. 

Through History we endeavour to excite the children interests in the past, they begin to learn and understand how the past has influenced and shaped the present day. Children gain the knowledge and understanding of important dates and events that have occurred. 

Learning Geography at Lyndhurst children develop to think ‘outside the box’ and take their knowledge beyond the classroom. It allows children to place themselves in the context of the wider world and gives them a sense of identity. Children become aware of their location in relation to the rest of the local area, the UK and world. 

Dressing up and role play form an integral part of the History and Geography curriculum as do themed Topic Days and Trips, immersing themselves in the lives of the people, places, and cultures they are learning. 



We recognise that Mathematics is the ‘Marmite’ part of the curriculum – you either love it or hate it! At Lyndhurst we encourage, from the moment your child starts their journey with us, that Maths is a subject to be enjoyed and not feared.

Throughout the school, the staff teaching Maths are very positive and well-supported to ensure that no matter where you child is on their mathematicial journey their experience is fun, engaging and set to the appropriate level for that individual.

There is the opportunity for plenty of hands on practical work as well as ensuring that the children adopt good written work practice and appreciate the need to SWO (Show Working Out) in order for the teacher to understand how they have thought through the process. The progressive curriculum ensures full coverage of all topics needed for a smooth transition and successful entry into the child’s Senior School and all lessons are differentiated at least to 3 levels to fully accommodate all pupils.

Every child has both a DoodleMaths and DoodleTables account – this is an excellent learning platform that allows the child to work at their own level – both to be supported and stretched where applicable in order to master the key skills in Mathematics.

During the year the children have the opportunity to test out and show off their skills – we take part in both the Primary Maths and First Mathematics Challenges by the Mathematical Association and attend Maths events at local Senior Schools. We have an annual full-immersion day for Mathematics.



At Lyndhurst School, we believe that language-learning should be engaging and enjoyable. Our pupils look forward to their language lessons each week, and this provides sound motivation for progress through the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. French is taught throughout the school, with Year 6 having Spanish in their final two terms, to enable them to widen their linguistic knowledge. We also have two after-school Spanish Clubs, for Reception-Year 2 and Years 3-6.


We begin our French language journey in Pre-Reception, with two short sessions per week of games and fun activities. Sessions gradually increase as the children go through the school, with Years 3-6 having two 40-minute slots per week. In Pre-Prep the emphasis is predominantly on listening and speaking skills, using easily-accessible topics which will enable the children to build their confidence with phrases and short sentences, alongside word recognition or simple writing when they are ready. 


In Prep, we expand our skills to include reading and writing, employing a variety of materials. We continue to use games and fun activities to extend the children’s skills, while ensuring progress is monitored regularly; by differentiating material and support, we ensure that children with differing rates of learning are assisted or challenged appropriately.


Our aim is to send your child into the world with a love of foreign languages and a lively interest in other cultures, and above all the understanding that there is more that unites us with people in other countries than there is that divides us.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning


Outdoor Learning has become an integral part of Lyndhurst Life and our LEAF lessons are delivered to children all through the school. Learning Exploration Adventure and Fun lessons help our children to connect with their natural surroundings. Making use of the established school grounds, as well as local nature facilities, children can explore and learn about nature. 

We also develop our skills in using a range of different bushcraft tools, such as flint and steel for fire starting and knives and peelers for whittling and carving, as well as testing our knot tying skills while lashing sticks and creating dens. 

LEAF lessons are timetabled weekly for children in Pre-Prep and Little Lyndhurst, with whole afternoons dedicated every half term to children in the Prep school. 



Drama is about developing self-confidence and performance skills together with an understanding of drama as an art form. Studying drama develops the children’s communication skills and cultivates collaboration, creativity, and teamwork.

Drama is taught by a specialist teacher to every year group at Lyndhurst school. Drama fosters the children’s ability to devise and evolve a narrative portrayed through dramatic performance. Students develop practical drama skills and techniques including characterisation, voice projection, expression, gestures/body language and performance discipline. 

Each year children perform in plays, class assemblies and drama festivals. Lyndhurst School recently won an award for best musical theatre production at the ISA drama competition. Drama workshops run by professional actors are also a regular event, where children can further expand their dramatic skills. All students at Lyndhurst develop good foundation skills needed for future drama studies.



LAMDA stands for London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and the exam is the speech and drama equivalent of a music grade. 

Through preparation for the Acting Exam learners develop their vocal, physical and interpretive skills while they delve into characters and explore the background of dramatic texts. Alongside producing authentic performances of their chosen scenes, they also gain an understanding of the context and characters within them. The exams use performance to develop self-confidence, physical presence and a strong speaking voice. 

Lyndhurst School is a registered LAMDA examination centre. LAMDA qualifications are an excellent addition to a student’s C.V. as LAMDA is recognised to award qualifications on the Regulated Qualifications Framework by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).



Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) at Lyndhurst School is concerned with teaching the knowledge, skills and personal attributes that will equip our children to become engaged members of society in the 21st Century. Learning in PSHCE happens through a blend of explicit and cross-curricular objectives covering six distinct themes – ‘Being Me in My World’, ‘Celebrating Differences’, ‘Dreams & Goals’, ‘Healthy Me’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’.  The distinct themes cover wide-ranging topics from global sustainability to administering first aid and managing money to mindfulness and mental wellbeing. 

PSHEE is essential to ensuring that children at Lyndhurst School are effectively prepared for life in an increasingly global society.

The Lyndhurst values are taught through assemblies and embedded in pastoral guidance, enable each child to develop the values of self-belief, kindness, respect, communication, curiosity, resilience and morality.  There is a strong ethos that promotes and raises children’s self-esteem, self-awareness and decision-making skills, whilst building and encouraging individuals to take on more active roles and responsibilities within the community of the school, the local area and the wider world.

Our School Council, comprising children from each year group from Reception to Year Six, keep a close eye on the school’s development and will readily request changes and new initiatives which the children have thought about. These are often excellent ideas and readily come to fruition, making a difference to the school community.




RHE (Relationship and Health Education) at Lyndhurst School is an integral part of a child’s education.  RHE provides time to talk, listen and think about feelings and relationships, as well as promoting mental wellbeing. RHE helps children to develop skills to make and maintain positive relationships, develop positive attitudes and values and respect differences in opinion. RHE at Lyndhurst has a thread that runs across the school particularly in STEM, so the children understand how their bodies work, age appropriately. An important aspect of RHE is that children learn how to protect themselves and know where to go for help and support.

The children will be confident to talk about the changes their bodies go through and have a strong understanding about positive and healthy relationships.  At Lyndhurst we take care to ensure there are no stigmatism.



Science Technology Engineering and Maths lessons are an integral part of Lyndhurst Life. Structed to be as engaging and as exciting as possible, STEM lessons are designed to challenge children’s thinking and understanding of the world around them. 

Through a broad, progressive curriculum, children begin their scientific journey by learning about their immediate world and senses before leaving Lyndhurst with keen, quizzical minds. The children’s curiosity is nurtured through stimulating investigations and absorbing experiments. 

We at Lyndhurst are keen to place real world parallels in our curriculum and we link as much as we can to events that affect our children. Lyndhurst children are passionate about the world they live in, forming an Eco-Council that meets and debates current issues that children have.



Religious Education gives valuable opportunities for children to ask questions, explore ideas, and discuss difficult topics in a supportive environment. Awareness of right and wrong is vital and children are encouraged to reflect on their own actions. Tenets that run through all faiths are recognised, such as the golden rule of treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Lyndhurst School is a non-denominational school with a caring Christian ethos which embraces the multi-cultural community in which we live.  Lyndhurst embraces a philosophy where the key value of mutual respect is at the forefront of all we do. At Lyndhurst the children learn about major religions around the world, and that in the context of being free to hold beliefs of our own, we have a responsibility to show compassion and respect for others.

Lyndhurst families of all religions are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience in assemblies and class talks. As a part of our cross curricular enrichment activities, Lyndhurst community takes part in celebrating festivals such as Diwali, Easter and Chinese New Year.  We have strong links with St. Michael’s church where we celebrate our Christmas Carol Service.



At Lyndhurst we believe that Physical Education is essential to the development of the whole child: academic, social, emotional, spiritual and physical. It provides the opportunity to promote self-esteem and confidence helping children build character strengths including perseverance, resilience, teamwork and leadership.  The Physical Education (PE) and Games Department offers a wide range of sporting opportunities to all children in the school through the curriculum and the extra-curricular clubs available.

Lyndhurst is committed to ensuring that all children regardless of ability have the opportunity to participate in a range of individual and team sports.  From year 3 all pupils play competitive fixtures within their school houses as well as against other local prep schools.

During the summer term we also hold out annual Sport’s Day which take place at The Aldershot Military Stadium in front of parents.    All pupils represent their houses in fun filled day of track and field events that gives them the opportunity experience the excitement that a competitive sporting event brings

Swimming is a key feature of the P.E. programme. All children from Reception to Year 6 have regular weekly swimming lessons taught by our dedicated and qualified staff. During the spring term we host an inter-house swimming gala where pupils are can show off their swimming in a safe competitive environment.  We also take part in the regional ISA Swimming finals and have had pupils qualify for the national finals.