Year 4 Trip to Hampton Court

Posted: 23rd September 2022

Year 4 had a brilliant trip to Hampton Court where they took part in a fantastic workshop about Tudor Kitchens.  The children took part in some drama, pretending to roast chickens and geese, as well as finding out that the Tudors ate pasta but not potatoes! They were very surprised that potatoes were introduced in Victorian – not Tudor Times.

After a delicious lunch, the children found a secret maze and had great fun chasing each other.

To end the day, they visited The Great Hall (Tudor Staff Canteen), The Great Watching Chamber and played some traditional Tudor board games, they walked the Processional Route (listening to a story about a haunted corridor – Catherine Howard’s ghost) and sat around the big table in the Council Chamber.

It was a busy but exciting day. The children are looking forward to learning more in their History lessons!