Year 6 are very excited to have started learning Spanish this term! Many of the children have in fact come to Spanish Club in the past, and some still attend, so we are picking up the vocabulary very quickly. We have two songs about colours and numbers that we enjoy singing at the start of the lesson.
The songs themselves are on these links if you would like to share them at home with your child:
Spanish for Kids | Colors, colors – ¡Colores, colores! – Calico Spanish Learning Songs for Kids
We have also started our topic for this and next term: homes and furniture. We are learning names of rooms, and will soon be using this in short sentences. Then we will start to cover furniture, which we will use with a variety of high-frequency words in longer sentences. We will also begin to link colours with these items, gaining an understanding of how adjectives work in Spanish. And of course we are doing all this through fun activities and games!