This week saw the Bring and Buy sale return to Lyndhurst, and Year 6 had been spending the week sorting and organising the items brought in by the rest of the school to go on sale. Come Thursday morning, in the glorious summer sun, we set up our tables in the playground and arranged the vast wealth of objects out to be sold. We had expected to do well, an to sell most of the items brought in; but we were not ready for the huge numbers of children who came clutching their purses, wallets and piggy banks! Year 6 were superb – they helped younger children look for specific items, they were fantastic at counting out money and giving change, and they would have made Del Boy proud with the deals that they offered.
In the end, we managed to sell everything. All of the amazing items that were brought in to raise money for charity were sold to loving new homes. A huge thank you for helping to supply the Bring and Buy sale with items, and a massive well done to Year 6 for their hard work.