Isn’t it wonderful how the whole school comes together to celebrate the work of one of the biggest British writer? In our Shakespeare’s Week, we introduced the children to some of the greatest stories that have ever been told. The children were exposed not only to the plays but also history, culture, drama and the language that they would not normally use. We have opened up Shakespeare to young minds and encouraged the children to be inspired to pick up books they would not naturally choose. Their enthusiasm was visible across the whole curriculum through writing scripts, making potions in Science, being accurate with weighing ingredients in their own spells (Maths with Macbeth), drama and Elizabethan posters. We loved the engagement and passion that the children have presented this week and we are grateful to the parents who joined us, putting so much effort into the children’s costumes! Here are some photos from the day that we would love to share with you!
Thank you to all parents who helped make the day such a success – the costumes were truly amazing!