Lyndhurst Poetry Recital 2020 – Finalists Announced!

Posted: 20th October 2020

The Finalists!
Poetry Recital 2020 - Well done to all!
Poetry Recital 2020 – Well done to all!

The wait is over….

Last week’s virtual poetry recital was a big success. I’ve received reports from form teachers that children loved seeing themselves on screen, although many hid their faces, which they absolutely shouldn’t have, considering the high quality of the performances! Performing in front of the camera is a big challenge and can be quite confronting but every single Lyndhurst child met that challenge head on.

Parents can now watch the videos of each year group on the school class blogs. We hope you enjoy the recital as much as we did at school.

I am very proud to announce that the Form winners are as follows:


Beatrice and Isobel

Year 1:

Clementine and Max

Year 2:

Alexander and James

Year 3:

Kamsi and Isabelle

Year 4:

Matilda and Liv

Year 5:

Alice and Bradley

Year 6:

Sophie and Charlie


The Final

This week we will have the final, with the two winners from each form performing LIVE during school assembly!

A jury will decide on the overall winner and we will also have winners from three groups. Those groups are:

  • Reception and year 1
  • Years 2 and 3
  • Years 4, 5 and 6.

In the meantime, I wanted to send my congratulations to all of the children who took part!

Miss Joyce
Head of English