What a fantastic performance from all of the children at Lyndhurst School at the Camberley Christmas Lights Switch On. We started the day’s events on the main stage with a bang! Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 sang Hooray in a Manger beautifully! Year 6 and a member of year 5 put on a very special hand bell performance with some seasonal classics.
Nursery, Pre-Reception and Reception were very brave getting up on stage and singing ‘Such a long way’ so amazingly well. They performed some great moves to the song!
Years 1 and 2 performed their two songs brilliantly – ‘Did you hear the news?’ and ‘We have got a job to do’ and ‘Love Shone Down’ was sung beautifully by Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
It was so great to see all of the different age groups performing and then singing a resounding ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’ together as one big Lyndhurst family at the end.
A big thank you to all of the children, parents and staff for their support and such a brilliant performance. We would also like to thank Collectively Camberley for enabling us to be part of the event.
It was a great way to start the festive season off!